Thursday, July 03, 2008




今天公司請我們去 Spruce Meadows 看馬術表演。包飲包食包入場包廂包拍車。我第一次去看馬術表演,亦應該是最後一次了。對我來說,看著馬匹跳來跳去跟看 Westminster dog show 的狗走來走去一樣,都是悶。




以前在 WCB,有一個成功為昇職不斷露奶爆衫的女人。

現在,有X個為事業 woo低身、see-thru、拋媚眼的女人。她們亦很成功。我在想,有幾多個是 senior managers 的 mistresses 呢?



下晝開會,突然有新的 president。看他的樣子,跟 Chaplin 一模樣。但他絕對不是講玩的。我希望他能改變這公司的惡習。更希望他不是個只有頭威的假老虎。更更更希望他不是只說不做、隻眼開隻眼閉。

而我 dept 的新 VP,給我的印象不錯。很謙虛亦平易近人。但都是看清楚才算。

開會後,我想,在這個桃木色 executive boardroom,在這班個個 40+ 的白人面前,我算什麼?難怪他們常常當我是小朋友,因為他的兒子都可能和我同年紀。難得是我有機會跟他們一同開會,但難怪他們不太會聽我的意見。

看見很多的明槍暗箭,全都因權、力、位和 perceived threats 而起。我怕,有天被插的是我。

聽到他們說話的技巧,我知道他們勝過我的地方。我怕,有天我會屈服在 corporate culture 之下。

真的是 part of the job,part of life 嗎?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New VP...

After June 9, 2008, my life changed.

No, I still don't have my business, yet.
No, I'm not unmemployed.
No, I'm not satisfied at work neither.

However, I realized that, the steering wheel to my life is not in the hands of my manager. The wheel isn't in my hands; rather I gave it to God. I can honestly say that He is my Michael Schumacher.

I go thru hairpins, thru rough dirt roads, thru icy paths, thru gravel pads...

It is painful, but at least I don't have to worry.

That makes me sleep happily at night,
That gives me the courage to face whatever comes my way.


Oh BTW, the company has hired a new VP. That's the 3rd VP we've had in 6 months controlling my dept.

No wonder my manager acts nuts, cuz this sucks.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I can

Success is found in cans;
Failures are found in can'ts.

I can.