Wednesday, December 10, 2008


An observation of Dec 9, 2008.

I remember there was a time when TV would beep certain words. Maybe less than 10 years ago.

The list was long, and now becomes shorter by the day.

I heard ass, bitch, piss, G-d damn it on TV in a span of 20min,
in a sports program,
no less.

B*tch and Moan

Famous words from my respected supervisor of 2004, "Don't complain unless you can offer a solution."

Complaining only makes you a b*itch.

Annoyance for the a**hole.


Reading the message is fun.

Reading The Message is super fun.

Chr*st doesn't tell me what I'm not doing well and then turns off his phone.
Chr*st tells me what I'm lacking, then shows me how to fix the problems and get better.

I guess this is why JC was/is/will be so popular. He's cool.

Monday, December 08, 2008

How Sad!

Besides saying, "How sad!"

Let's not be numb.

Maybe one day,
maybe not before I die,
but maybe one day,
we can.



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