My senses are coming back to me now. I can use my tongue to mush food against the top of my hard palate. Means now I can "eat" soft carrots, yams, tofu, and ice-cream.
Since I'm getting more sensible and I got tons of time on my side, I've done lots of thinking.
1) 原來吞口水是這麼困難的。
2) 原來肚餓的感覺是這樣辛苦的。
3) 原來電視廣告是充滿美食的。
4) 原來人是會在捱餓時夢見 McD 薯條的。
5) 我屋主實在對我太好了。
Out of everything, it's hunger that strikes me the most.
Is it a coincidence that prior to my oral surgery I've finished Angela's Ashes and The Pianist?
I never paid hunger/famine any thoughts. "OK you were hungry, but you didn't die, right? OK you're hungry, but I can't do anything. OK you're hungry, like millions of others, I can't save everybody."
But now, I'm suffering. I can feel it. Every second my body tells me I need to eat. I need proteins, vegetables, carbs, I need to survive. I can smell real food. I can't eat any. My stomach growls loud. At this moment, I would give anything to have a full meal.
What does this experience mean to me? Why now?
What should I do next?
(Who asked you to remind me? Smart ass.)
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