So, now that I really want to relaunch my own website. But where did my old one go?
I guess I can always write a new one...but that's hard.
I guess I also can force MikeC to honour his promise to build me one...but that's hard too.
So, since now that I really want to have my own website running, I guess I'd have to find my old one.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
James Blunt keeps singing,
He keeps telling me that I am one of the brightest stars.
Maybe so,
Maybe so.
James Blunt keeps singing,
I wish it was my mother and father
He keeps telling me that I am one of the brightest stars.
Maybe so,
Maybe so.
James Blunt keeps singing,
I wish it was my mother and father
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
我的 team 有十一個人。和我相熟的有七個。
我永遠都不會忘記 E 和 C,因為在她倆的 cubicle 裡,各自的為我的決定變得眼紅紅,流出淚。我不知我們算不算朋友,亦不知道在她們心中我是個什麼人。但那一刻,我深深的感到她們的不捨得。那種不捨得,由她們的紅眼,穿越空氣,打破了我的心。
我的 team 有十一個人。和我相熟的有七個。
我永遠都不會忘記 E 和 C,因為在她倆的 cubicle 裡,各自的為我的決定變得眼紅紅,流出淚。我不知我們算不算朋友,亦不知道在她們心中我是個什麼人。但那一刻,我深深的感到她們的不捨得。那種不捨得,由她們的紅眼,穿越空氣,打破了我的心。
Thursday, August 30, 2007
之後,用了幾日時間去接受。畢竟是自己的目標,達到了,起點。兩年前大學畢業後,立下目標要完成工業安全的學位,之後便要入行,要去改變世界。到了 Calgary,經過一年的下班苦讀,那張沙紙我拿到了。然後便經歷幾個星期的找工/面試/等人請。
之後,用了幾日時間去接受。畢竟是自己的目標,達到了,起點。兩年前大學畢業後,立下目標要完成工業安全的學位,之後便要入行,要去改變世界。到了 Calgary,經過一年的下班苦讀,那張沙紙我拿到了。然後便經歷幾個星期的找工/面試/等人請。
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
八月二號,那份工真的打來,說我是其中一個 final candidate,但因為我年紀細,再加上另一個人有超過十年經驗,所以他們決定不請我。
我有能力控制的,我已做到最好。我是輸了在我不能改變的地方。(其實我是認同他們的決定的,因為始終十年經驗就是個 safer bet。)
V 安慰我說,至少我已可以和有十年經驗的人一同做 final candidates,已經很利害的了。
直到八月十三好,他 email 給我,叫我不要存太大希望,因為他們請 internal applicant 的機會非常大。
同日,八月十三號,另一份新工打來,說要立刻 interview。
我的心很累,不想再見什麼不會請我的工了。你看我的 resume,就知我的底細。如果嫌經驗不夠,沒有十年,你便根本不需要給我 interview。如果你有好多 internal applicants,你亦不需浪費大家時間。
但再想想,每一次見工都是一個機會。如果我沒有在八月二號不請我的那份工的 interview 做得好,肯定不會有明天 interview 的機會。
又要上網 research 了!
八月十五號,昨天那份工找我拿 reference。
我很多謝我現在的 supervisor,因為他從不阻止我去找工,因為他認同人是要追尋夢想的。希望他會加點肉緊,幫我說句好話。
我有能力控制的,我已做到最好。我是輸了在我不能改變的地方。(其實我是認同他們的決定的,因為始終十年經驗就是個 safer bet。)
V 安慰我說,至少我已可以和有十年經驗的人一同做 final candidates,已經很利害的了。
直到八月十三好,他 email 給我,叫我不要存太大希望,因為他們請 internal applicant 的機會非常大。
同日,八月十三號,另一份新工打來,說要立刻 interview。
我的心很累,不想再見什麼不會請我的工了。你看我的 resume,就知我的底細。如果嫌經驗不夠,沒有十年,你便根本不需要給我 interview。如果你有好多 internal applicants,你亦不需浪費大家時間。
但再想想,每一次見工都是一個機會。如果我沒有在八月二號不請我的那份工的 interview 做得好,肯定不會有明天 interview 的機會。
又要上網 research 了!
八月十五號,昨天那份工找我拿 reference。
我很多謝我現在的 supervisor,因為他從不阻止我去找工,因為他認同人是要追尋夢想的。希望他會加點肉緊,幫我說句好話。
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
If you know the relationship between yogurt and diarrhea, please tell me.
From my personal experience, I think it's direct, proportional, and positive.
From my personal experience, I think it's direct, proportional, and positive.
Monday, July 30, 2007
原本是七月廿四號,但那公司打電話來,說 delay 到八月二號。
我想,如果他們因為我年青而不請我,因為那個他經驗很多而不請我,這必定是他們的損失。三年之後的我,必定比三年之後的那個他能幹。而我個 curve 的 slope,是必定比他大。我相信。
幾日後,我很欣賞的前上司私低下告訴我,他公司請人,叫我立刻 send 個 resume 給他。這個上司,是我三年前做實習時認識的。年青,有頭腦,超級有拼勁,樂於助人,直頭是我偶像。幾年前是個 safety coordinator,之後轉工做了 safety manager,很快便成了 plant manager。
亦是他告訴我:doing your best won't guarantee success,doing your best while chasing your dream will。
我想,如果他們因為我年青而不請我,因為那個他經驗很多而不請我,這必定是他們的損失。三年之後的我,必定比三年之後的那個他能幹。而我個 curve 的 slope,是必定比他大。我相信。
幾日後,我很欣賞的前上司私低下告訴我,他公司請人,叫我立刻 send 個 resume 給他。這個上司,是我三年前做實習時認識的。年青,有頭腦,超級有拼勁,樂於助人,直頭是我偶像。幾年前是個 safety coordinator,之後轉工做了 safety manager,很快便成了 plant manager。
亦是他告訴我:doing your best won't guarantee success,doing your best while chasing your dream will。
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
我參加了 party,但又沒有。
早上和 Lulululu 去打掃。見到她的前租客這樣對待她,我真的看不過眼。
之後便去了蘇氏家 BBQ。本來諗住去和蘇生打機,本來。。。但結果是吃完、收拾完,才可以玩少少。這個有點失望。但其實這晚我是過得很開心。天氣十分好的傍晚,大家飲飲啤酒,吃吃雞翼,吹吹水,飲飲湯。就是這樣。
今晚無的另外半杯,同樣關於一個夏天發生的 party。
之後便去了蘇氏家 BBQ。本來諗住去和蘇生打機,本來。。。但結果是吃完、收拾完,才可以玩少少。這個有點失望。但其實這晚我是過得很開心。天氣十分好的傍晚,大家飲飲啤酒,吃吃雞翼,吹吹水,飲飲湯。就是這樣。
今晚無的另外半杯,同樣關於一個夏天發生的 party。
Thursday, July 26, 2007
回到家後,要 finalize 明天團契帶的歌和兩星期後崇拜帶的歌。由於無 topic,時間又這麼近,所以都有點頭痕,因為不想撞歌或什麼。
有時候,總想收埋一兩首 必hit 的歌做絕招,非到盡時都不用。但總是收不埋,因為好歌,就如好酒,是要分享的。但可惜的是,現在團契的朋友們對音樂的認知還有待進步。每每我們彈得好,唱得好,但就好像他們不太欣賞和投入似的(是我們太孤芳獨賞嗎?)。能夠和懂得的人夾、唱、聽歌,就如打波找到有 chemistry 的隊友一樣,真是會叫人睡不著的。
回到家後,要 finalize 明天團契帶的歌和兩星期後崇拜帶的歌。由於無 topic,時間又這麼近,所以都有點頭痕,因為不想撞歌或什麼。
有時候,總想收埋一兩首 必hit 的歌做絕招,非到盡時都不用。但總是收不埋,因為好歌,就如好酒,是要分享的。但可惜的是,現在團契的朋友們對音樂的認知還有待進步。每每我們彈得好,唱得好,但就好像他們不太欣賞和投入似的(是我們太孤芳獨賞嗎?)。能夠和懂得的人夾、唱、聽歌,就如打波找到有 chemistry 的隊友一樣,真是會叫人睡不著的。
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
之後去了和團契燒0野食。我和 Brother Dragon 起火起得很成功,所以快樂。
吃完雪糕,我負責買酒。在酒舖被人查 ID,所以快樂。
在 LuLuLu 家飲梅酒,所以快樂。
一大班人 potluck,所以快樂。
之後去了和團契燒0野食。我和 Brother Dragon 起火起得很成功,所以快樂。
吃完雪糕,我負責買酒。在酒舖被人查 ID,所以快樂。
在 LuLuLu 家飲梅酒,所以快樂。
一大班人 potluck,所以快樂。
Friday, July 20, 2007
有能力的人就要做到最好。Uncle Ben 都有教:with great power comes great responsibility。有能力的人就要做到最好、就要揹上重任,因為這是你的責任。
我想,我進入了 The Peter Parker Moment 了。
有能力的人就要做到最好。Uncle Ben 都有教:with great power comes great responsibility。有能力的人就要做到最好、就要揹上重任,因為這是你的責任。
我想,我進入了 The Peter Parker Moment 了。
尋找 vs 改變
Thursday, July 19, 2007
第一次一日內有兩個 interview,仲要是吃完午餐後,原先都有點擔心自己會眼訓。
首先是 phone interview。本來 Toronto 的女人話是星期五的,但今日突然打來,說想早點做完 1st round。聽了她的口吻,便知道這個 interview 都是浪費大家時間。其實我和她是談得來的,她亦很熟識這行的運作,所以我也學到一些。不過到最後,雙方都很清楚這是沒結果的。(他們出的薪金太低,根本是想我退出。)
之後的 interview 好很多。這份工亦是我很想得到的。兩個 managers 輪流問了我很多問題,我覺得我答得不錯。我亦問了不少問題,但不知道他們喜不喜歡我,因為我確實是經驗不夠。本應是三十分鐘的 interview,用了足足一個小時。離開時我想,這份工可以學到非常多的東西,亦有很大的責任,就算錢少一些我也肯做。
首先是 phone interview。本來 Toronto 的女人話是星期五的,但今日突然打來,說想早點做完 1st round。聽了她的口吻,便知道這個 interview 都是浪費大家時間。其實我和她是談得來的,她亦很熟識這行的運作,所以我也學到一些。不過到最後,雙方都很清楚這是沒結果的。(他們出的薪金太低,根本是想我退出。)
之後的 interview 好很多。這份工亦是我很想得到的。兩個 managers 輪流問了我很多問題,我覺得我答得不錯。我亦問了不少問題,但不知道他們喜不喜歡我,因為我確實是經驗不夠。本應是三十分鐘的 interview,用了足足一個小時。離開時我想,這份工可以學到非常多的東西,亦有很大的責任,就算錢少一些我也肯做。
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
從 NY 回來後,人迷失了。
放工後,keyword search 到大慨十份工,報了應該有五份。星期二早上,有 Toronto head office 打來,說想立刻 phone interview,我說未準備好,所以改到星期五。今天(星期三)早上,有另一間公司打來,亦說要立刻 in-person interview,我說我正在上班,不能說走便走,所以改到明天。
當然,這只是 interview。而在電話裡,我有種"揍人數"的感覺,好像要 interview 我來頂 quota。。。
放工後,keyword search 到大慨十份工,報了應該有五份。星期二早上,有 Toronto head office 打來,說想立刻 phone interview,我說未準備好,所以改到星期五。今天(星期三)早上,有另一間公司打來,亦說要立刻 in-person interview,我說我正在上班,不能說走便走,所以改到明天。
當然,這只是 interview。而在電話裡,我有種"揍人數"的感覺,好像要 interview 我來頂 quota。。。
Monday, July 16, 2007
Good read
時代論壇 article by 黃國棟、余創豪
除了這篇文章已提出的之外,我還很記得幾年前,同樣在時代論壇,有另一作者亦作出相似的控訴。叫那作者看不過眼的是一位溫哥華很出名的牧師。當時他標榜自己是博士,四處開講座。有次我聽過他講"創造vs進化"。有點似是而非的感覺。好像他找了幾本創造論的書,和幾本進化論的書,看完 summary,便開講座。
讀過書的人(其實任何人)都會知道,你要去教人,你自己首先要是個 expert。數學 expert 不能教化學,牛腩師傅不能教煮龍蝦,神學博士當然亦無資格去教進化論。In fact, there are multiple theories surrounding evolutionism alone that even scientists who have devoted their entire lives into those subjects don't fully agree upon. How can an outsider who have not studied creationism nor evoluntionism hold a comparative presentation?
這種 unqualified 去教人的情況在(某些)教會發生,尤其華人教會。他們(教會話事人,或上一輩的)覺得牧師是什麼都懂的。有點神化了牧師。現在這狀況好了些,應該和新一代受過高深教育的新話事人有關吧。
除了這篇文章已提出的之外,我還很記得幾年前,同樣在時代論壇,有另一作者亦作出相似的控訴。叫那作者看不過眼的是一位溫哥華很出名的牧師。當時他標榜自己是博士,四處開講座。有次我聽過他講"創造vs進化"。有點似是而非的感覺。好像他找了幾本創造論的書,和幾本進化論的書,看完 summary,便開講座。
讀過書的人(其實任何人)都會知道,你要去教人,你自己首先要是個 expert。數學 expert 不能教化學,牛腩師傅不能教煮龍蝦,神學博士當然亦無資格去教進化論。In fact, there are multiple theories surrounding evolutionism alone that even scientists who have devoted their entire lives into those subjects don't fully agree upon. How can an outsider who have not studied creationism nor evoluntionism hold a comparative presentation?
這種 unqualified 去教人的情況在(某些)教會發生,尤其華人教會。他們(教會話事人,或上一輩的)覺得牧師是什麼都懂的。有點神化了牧師。現在這狀況好了些,應該和新一代受過高深教育的新話事人有關吧。
Sunday, July 15, 2007
1)星期四晚,教會一位年青人,在做最後一份的實習,在 Calgary 的牛仔節,在公司的 Stampede party,被一隻機械牛擊中頭部,第二天便過世。
我不認識他。但他的離世叫我再想起 Danny Jacky 嘉榆 契媽。
2)星期五放工,我公司去了 Cowboy's 來個 crazy open bar party。同事們好像失去理智的狂飲。就算是 open bar,就算是一年一度,都不用這麼失禮。Don't we all know that we should never get drunk in front of co-workers? I guess my company didn't get the memo。。。

我離開時,見到迎面一個 sexy lady 著了一件超細碼 tank top,在上面寫著:It's not cheatin, It's Stampede。
3)星期六看了 The Transformers。
超利害的 CGI,幾段笑位,其他的全是悶場。可能是我從未喜歡過這類型的戲吧。
但有一件眼yuen事。拍完車後,我看到我前面不遠處的夫婦把剛吃完 McD 的紙袋丟在草地上。我"跟縱"他們,肯定他們入了教會,之後我回到案發現場。

我不認識他。但他的離世叫我再想起 Danny Jacky 嘉榆 契媽。
2)星期五放工,我公司去了 Cowboy's 來個 crazy open bar party。同事們好像失去理智的狂飲。就算是 open bar,就算是一年一度,都不用這麼失禮。Don't we all know that we should never get drunk in front of co-workers? I guess my company didn't get the memo。。。
我離開時,見到迎面一個 sexy lady 著了一件超細碼 tank top,在上面寫著:It's not cheatin, It's Stampede。
3)星期六看了 The Transformers。
超利害的 CGI,幾段笑位,其他的全是悶場。可能是我從未喜歡過這類型的戲吧。
但有一件眼yuen事。拍完車後,我看到我前面不遠處的夫婦把剛吃完 McD 的紙袋丟在草地上。我"跟縱"他們,肯定他們入了教會,之後我回到案發現場。
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
seven seven seven
這個 weekend 飛回 Vancouver,主要為了 K&J 的婚禮,次為了探人,次次為了離開 Calgary 一下。
等了兩年的婚禮給我見証了。由兩年前 呀K 不斷的對我(和所有人)說出他對結婚的看重,每一天都看著他為這個婚禮的努力(一個人做四份工,不是講玩的),到他慢慢的事業上成功,到女方家人的接納,到今天。。。我真的為他倆開心。
很美麗(但很熱)的教堂,漂亮的結婚相,花車,老爺 Rolls Royce。。。
可是,也許,這兩年(或這世人)他太辛苦了,所以他今天表現得有點吐氣揚眉,有點得戚,有幾句說話是 borderline 叫人皺眉頭。想到這裡,心中有點不舒服。
再想想他的婚禮,我直認我覺得自己太重要。坦白說,我覺得我在他心中的地位比我實際在他心中的地位為高(sentence fragment?)也許我只是一個小弟弟,一個聽了他訴苦無限次的人,而不是一個比朋友好一點的朋友。想到這裡,心中有點不舒服。
早上參加了聽聞很久的歌鄰基督教會崇拜。很好的 topic,很好的 singsipration。看得出、感受到他們的投入和用心。
見到很多以前 RCAC 的人。都是不太相熟,點頭、揮手那種。除了 Joyce,我相信她是真的對我好的。
下晝去了 R&Vien 的新居。很高興呢!記得幾個月前,他們還有點為婚後住屋問題有點不清楚,但現在已買了單位了!我很喜歡這新居的佈置,舒服。還有那部 40" Samsung 全白大 LCD,流口水!
之後請了弟弟和 A.Ho 去吃韓國餐。A 是在 SFU 的朋友中對我最好的一個。弟弟是我的唯一一個。人生這樣,夠了。
可惜這個 weekend 無機會好好的和 A 談談。
又去了 那個 outlet。
今次買不到波鞋,但買了幾件 tee 和 cargo shorts 給自己和弟弟。
這一天我感到,第一次,和 V 的家人的"生外"與格漠少了,可以說是變得很小。很舒服。
之後看了 V的姐姐 想買的屋。幾十年舊到不能住的 bungalow,大地,在遠遠的 Coquitlam,要五十多萬,還說是平。唉。
最後一天,開了個多小時車(只是三十公里路),由 Richmond 到 Coquitlam,為了看 Kwik-E-Mart,真的有點傻。但看看拍了的相片,又覺得很值得!
V 說:原來 Ralph 的這麼矮的。

臨上機前,在 Richmond Centre 買了突然半價的 全黑AF25 Supreme,嘩開心。當我要買籃球鞋時買到自己喜歡的,再加上是我可以 afford 得到的,真開心。(其實這對鞋最多只值 $140,跟本不值 MRSP $210。)
很多謝 D 在晚上由機場車我回家。我真的不知怎樣多謝他們這一家。
等了兩年的婚禮給我見証了。由兩年前 呀K 不斷的對我(和所有人)說出他對結婚的看重,每一天都看著他為這個婚禮的努力(一個人做四份工,不是講玩的),到他慢慢的事業上成功,到女方家人的接納,到今天。。。我真的為他倆開心。
很美麗(但很熱)的教堂,漂亮的結婚相,花車,老爺 Rolls Royce。。。
可是,也許,這兩年(或這世人)他太辛苦了,所以他今天表現得有點吐氣揚眉,有點得戚,有幾句說話是 borderline 叫人皺眉頭。想到這裡,心中有點不舒服。
再想想他的婚禮,我直認我覺得自己太重要。坦白說,我覺得我在他心中的地位比我實際在他心中的地位為高(sentence fragment?)也許我只是一個小弟弟,一個聽了他訴苦無限次的人,而不是一個比朋友好一點的朋友。想到這裡,心中有點不舒服。
早上參加了聽聞很久的歌鄰基督教會崇拜。很好的 topic,很好的 singsipration。看得出、感受到他們的投入和用心。
見到很多以前 RCAC 的人。都是不太相熟,點頭、揮手那種。除了 Joyce,我相信她是真的對我好的。
下晝去了 R&Vien 的新居。很高興呢!記得幾個月前,他們還有點為婚後住屋問題有點不清楚,但現在已買了單位了!我很喜歡這新居的佈置,舒服。還有那部 40" Samsung 全白大 LCD,流口水!
之後請了弟弟和 A.Ho 去吃韓國餐。A 是在 SFU 的朋友中對我最好的一個。弟弟是我的唯一一個。人生這樣,夠了。
可惜這個 weekend 無機會好好的和 A 談談。
又去了 那個 outlet。
今次買不到波鞋,但買了幾件 tee 和 cargo shorts 給自己和弟弟。
這一天我感到,第一次,和 V 的家人的"生外"與格漠少了,可以說是變得很小。很舒服。
之後看了 V的姐姐 想買的屋。幾十年舊到不能住的 bungalow,大地,在遠遠的 Coquitlam,要五十多萬,還說是平。唉。
最後一天,開了個多小時車(只是三十公里路),由 Richmond 到 Coquitlam,為了看 Kwik-E-Mart,真的有點傻。但看看拍了的相片,又覺得很值得!
V 說:原來 Ralph 的這麼矮的。
臨上機前,在 Richmond Centre 買了突然半價的 全黑AF25 Supreme,嘩開心。當我要買籃球鞋時買到自己喜歡的,再加上是我可以 afford 得到的,真開心。(其實這對鞋最多只值 $140,跟本不值 MRSP $210。)
很多謝 D 在晚上由機場車我回家。我真的不知怎樣多謝他們這一家。
Thursday, June 28, 2007
之後媽媽說 poh-poh 下星期回香港了。她說 pohpoh 說了很多我的好話,怎樣怎樣。她說 pohpoh 十分憎恨 uncle Chiu,她完全的放不低。
之後媽媽說 poh-poh 下星期回香港了。她說 pohpoh 說了很多我的好話,怎樣怎樣。她說 pohpoh 十分憎恨 uncle Chiu,她完全的放不低。
Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
不改名的決定 II
當我領略到 SamxxxXXxx 是:
時,我再沒興趣做他的 name bearer。暗地裡,我有想過改名。
時,我再沒興趣做他的 name bearer。暗地裡,我有想過改名。
Friday, June 22, 2007
不改名的決定 I
上英文堂,老師要我們改英文名。學校說,在英文的世界一定要有個英文名。所以,我們這班七、八歲的小朋友,便展開我們尋名之旅。其實,我們對英文名的認識,只限於課本上的 Peter, John, Mary, Siu Ming...或者電視/電影裡,所以有同學叫 Rambo。又或者是從哥哥/表姐那裡,所以會有 Leslie, Alan, Anita, Danny。
而那時的我,選名的第一大點就是一定不能和同班同學同名。就算是我先叫了 David,如果有個茂李又叫自己做 David,我便改名。就是這個超愚蠢的決定,所以我有過無數的名: David, Alex, Ricky, Rocky(好打)...等等。何況老師準許我這無聊的行為,所以便好像一期一個名似的。
直到四年班,某次踢足球的朋友說他爸爸原本想叫他 SamxxxXXXxx,我聽了便立刻喜歡這個名了。SamxxxxXXx 好呀,因為我偉大的學校裡沒有人叫 Samxxxxx。我這足球朋友之後好像叫了 Pierre。
直到在教會裡的 uncle & aunties 開始講笑,我才開始對這個名產生興趣。
原來 SamxxXXxx 不是一個豬肉佬半夜在九龍城作出來的,而是實有其人,還是名人!
因為 Samxxxxxxx 的故事我在聖經裡重覆讀無數次,我很清楚他是個名人,是個超班的失敗者。
上英文堂,老師要我們改英文名。學校說,在英文的世界一定要有個英文名。所以,我們這班七、八歲的小朋友,便展開我們尋名之旅。其實,我們對英文名的認識,只限於課本上的 Peter, John, Mary, Siu Ming...或者電視/電影裡,所以有同學叫 Rambo。又或者是從哥哥/表姐那裡,所以會有 Leslie, Alan, Anita, Danny。
而那時的我,選名的第一大點就是一定不能和同班同學同名。就算是我先叫了 David,如果有個茂李又叫自己做 David,我便改名。就是這個超愚蠢的決定,所以我有過無數的名: David, Alex, Ricky, Rocky(好打)...等等。何況老師準許我這無聊的行為,所以便好像一期一個名似的。
直到四年班,某次踢足球的朋友說他爸爸原本想叫他 SamxxxXXXxx,我聽了便立刻喜歡這個名了。SamxxxxXXx 好呀,因為我偉大的學校裡沒有人叫 Samxxxxx。我這足球朋友之後好像叫了 Pierre。
直到在教會裡的 uncle & aunties 開始講笑,我才開始對這個名產生興趣。
原來 SamxxXXxx 不是一個豬肉佬半夜在九龍城作出來的,而是實有其人,還是名人!
因為 Samxxxxxxx 的故事我在聖經裡重覆讀無數次,我很清楚他是個名人,是個超班的失敗者。
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
In the Bedroom
數年前看 In the Bedroom,看不明。所以不喜歡。不明白為什麼兩夫婦的關係會因為兒子之死而變得冰凍。
但我卻很記得電台的影評 Alex 說這套戲真實、感人。
查住個搖控不停咁轉台 食0左兩粒安眠藥
想起來,做電台已是五、六前的事,而 Alex 我還從沒見過面。
但我卻很記得電台的影評 Alex 說這套戲真實、感人。
查住個搖控不停咁轉台 食0左兩粒安眠藥
想起來,做電台已是五、六前的事,而 Alex 我還從沒見過面。
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Wy文,E-神,CC,千fa + 雷仲得有個十年音樂會。我在等 DVD 出。(會嗎?)
星期X檔案和鏗鏘集就做回歸十年特輯。這次要多謝 BT。
懷念過去一起有過的回憶:去教會時差點撞車,她表哥的衰史,她去 Toronto 前洗車,錄音帶,還有我傷害過的那個女孩...
奇怪地有點興幸當年沒有喜歡過她,十幾歲時的我的 quota 已滿,沒有位子傷多一個好女仔。何況她追求者眾,根本未輪到我。今天再見,只覺大家走的路很不同,已分開很遠。
Wy文,E-神,CC,千fa + 雷仲得有個十年音樂會。我在等 DVD 出。(會嗎?)
星期X檔案和鏗鏘集就做回歸十年特輯。這次要多謝 BT。
懷念過去一起有過的回憶:去教會時差點撞車,她表哥的衰史,她去 Toronto 前洗車,錄音帶,還有我傷害過的那個女孩...
奇怪地有點興幸當年沒有喜歡過她,十幾歲時的我的 quota 已滿,沒有位子傷多一個好女仔。何況她追求者眾,根本未輪到我。今天再見,只覺大家走的路很不同,已分開很遠。
今日和 praise team 夾歌。
I believe in every situation, there needs to be a leader. To make the final decision. To make tough decisions.
I assumed that somebody has been appointed leader, therefore I didn't do/say anything. But maybe, today showed, that we all just "assumed".
I always have the urge to take control.
I think this is my biggest character flaw. (If I was a Shakespeare character, I would be killed by it.) I want to take control. When the situation seems to be wandering, I just want to grab the steering wheel and drive. Sometimes it's good, other times ppl think I'm rude.
Oh well, not that I really care...
Another character flaw! No love from Mr. Lui!
I believe in every situation, there needs to be a leader. To make the final decision. To make tough decisions.
I assumed that somebody has been appointed leader, therefore I didn't do/say anything. But maybe, today showed, that we all just "assumed".
I always have the urge to take control.
I think this is my biggest character flaw. (If I was a Shakespeare character, I would be killed by it.) I want to take control. When the situation seems to be wandering, I just want to grab the steering wheel and drive. Sometimes it's good, other times ppl think I'm rude.
Oh well, not that I really care...
Another character flaw! No love from Mr. Lui!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
是 timing 吧?
晚上到馬家吃 burgers 和 腸仔。喝完啤酒,看門徒。
整體感覺像看 Discovery Channel。很學術性。
是 timing 吧?
晚上到馬家吃 burgers 和 腸仔。喝完啤酒,看門徒。
整體感覺像看 Discovery Channel。很學術性。
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
NY Day 7: Hospital
KaiMa has been in and out of hospitals since the discovery of her liver cancer in March.
Her family doctor told her she can stay home for as long as possible. Because hospitals in the States are free, also because she needs family time more than hospital time.
She is very fortunate as Uncle's medical insurance covers 99% of her med costs. Her monthly medicine bill is around $7500 US, her hospital room costs $1300 per night. It made me think about Canada, about our public health care system. I often complain of the sales tax, the property tax, the income tax, the investment tax. But I can't even fathom the idea of having/paying that much for medical treatment.
Tonight, KaiMa's condition took a nose-dive. Her skin turned yellow, her eyes turned yellow, both of her legs had massive swelling. Uncle "rushed" her to the hospital in Manhattan. Well, he tried to rush...since it was during rush hour, and a normal 35min drive turned into 75minutes.
We went to the hospital about 2 hours later. Por Por heated up some food (brilliant idea suggested by Mr. Lui), Son#1 took the baby, and we all went there. For me, the car ride was beautiful but long. The NY night scene is nowhere close to what HK can offer, but still we passed by many many famous landmarks.
I saw KaiMa, on her bed, unit #7 of the Urgent Care room. Exhausted. She grabbed my hand, and began to weep.
She said,
"I'm very glad to see you."
"Very happy to have you fly all the way here."
"I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you to the airport."
Those were the 3 lines she spoke before the others arrived and started to talk.
That was (probably) the final moment we would share in our lifetime (barring miracles).
We left the hospital after 2 hours.
And at 5:00am, I arrived at the airport, and said goodbye to this week-long life-altering experience.
Her family doctor told her she can stay home for as long as possible. Because hospitals in the States are free, also because she needs family time more than hospital time.
She is very fortunate as Uncle's medical insurance covers 99% of her med costs. Her monthly medicine bill is around $7500 US, her hospital room costs $1300 per night. It made me think about Canada, about our public health care system. I often complain of the sales tax, the property tax, the income tax, the investment tax. But I can't even fathom the idea of having/paying that much for medical treatment.
Tonight, KaiMa's condition took a nose-dive. Her skin turned yellow, her eyes turned yellow, both of her legs had massive swelling. Uncle "rushed" her to the hospital in Manhattan. Well, he tried to rush...since it was during rush hour, and a normal 35min drive turned into 75minutes.
We went to the hospital about 2 hours later. Por Por heated up some food (brilliant idea suggested by Mr. Lui), Son#1 took the baby, and we all went there. For me, the car ride was beautiful but long. The NY night scene is nowhere close to what HK can offer, but still we passed by many many famous landmarks.
I saw KaiMa, on her bed, unit #7 of the Urgent Care room. Exhausted. She grabbed my hand, and began to weep.
She said,
"I'm very glad to see you."
"Very happy to have you fly all the way here."
"I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you to the airport."
Those were the 3 lines she spoke before the others arrived and started to talk.
That was (probably) the final moment we would share in our lifetime (barring miracles).
We left the hospital after 2 hours.
And at 5:00am, I arrived at the airport, and said goodbye to this week-long life-altering experience.
Friday, June 01, 2007
NY Day 6: 20 years
Today I didn't even step one foot out the front door.
I sat and read "When your doctor has bad news". A very informative and nicely written book I borrowed from Lucia.
After dinner was over, Son#1 installed this sonic pulse machine he bought for KaiMa. I asked what it was. He explained every person has some sort of electrical field, and when the field is disturbed we get ill. By shooting sonic pulse directly at the area of pain, the electrical field would be restored and the person would get better. (When he said electrical field, I immediately thought of the Right Thumb Rule.)
I checked this machine. It consists of one battery pack, a little black box, and the barrel. The black box produces this tick-tick sound, and the barrel shoots a red light. My little brain told me this is nothing more than a gigantic lazer pointer with a metronome. But seeing their enthused faces, I kept silent.
Then uncle came and tried to manuver the machine. He quitely shot some degrading words at Son#1 in the lines of "dumb and stupid". That's when things got out of hand.
They shouted at each other, raised their voices, cursed at one another and at the end punches were almost thrown if Son#2 didn't step in. Uncle left the house, and basically said he will never be home if Son#1 is around. KaiMa cried. Little baby cried. I was in shock.
After things cooled down, Son#1 fumed that he has hated his father for 20 years. Por Por said she has hated her son in law for 20 years. KaiMa has stuck between all this for 20 years.
For 20 years.
I sat and read "When your doctor has bad news". A very informative and nicely written book I borrowed from Lucia.
After dinner was over, Son#1 installed this sonic pulse machine he bought for KaiMa. I asked what it was. He explained every person has some sort of electrical field, and when the field is disturbed we get ill. By shooting sonic pulse directly at the area of pain, the electrical field would be restored and the person would get better. (When he said electrical field, I immediately thought of the Right Thumb Rule.)
I checked this machine. It consists of one battery pack, a little black box, and the barrel. The black box produces this tick-tick sound, and the barrel shoots a red light. My little brain told me this is nothing more than a gigantic lazer pointer with a metronome. But seeing their enthused faces, I kept silent.
Then uncle came and tried to manuver the machine. He quitely shot some degrading words at Son#1 in the lines of "dumb and stupid". That's when things got out of hand.
They shouted at each other, raised their voices, cursed at one another and at the end punches were almost thrown if Son#2 didn't step in. Uncle left the house, and basically said he will never be home if Son#1 is around. KaiMa cried. Little baby cried. I was in shock.
After things cooled down, Son#1 fumed that he has hated his father for 20 years. Por Por said she has hated her son in law for 20 years. KaiMa has stuck between all this for 20 years.
For 20 years.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
NY Day 5: You choose your girlfriend
Today I did nothing.
I woke at 10am, had breakfast, sat around, had lunch, sat around some more, took a nap, had dinner, and now writing this blog.
I felt this trip not only gives me an opportunity to be with my KaiMa, it also provides me a week of much needed break. I've been going all out since May2006. Moved from Van-->Cal, started new job, adapted to new life at new city, finished my certificate in 2 semesters, moved...I longed for a week of doing nothing. Now I have it. Planned or not.
This afternoon, while looking out the window, I felt peace. The weather was perfect, the humidity was perfect, the pollen level was perfect. I haven't done any sightseeing this time around in NY, and I don't need to.
For dinner, the whole family (minus uncle, who was at work) went to this Chinese restaurant. Since there were 2 white girls, we sort of ordered "gwai lo food". Sweet and sour pork, friend chicken, and the sorts. Still S1W didn't eat any, and she ordered a fried rice all for herself.
However, the only thing that got onto my nerves was Son#2. Again! During the entire dinner, he served, served, his girlfriend while completely neglected por por and KaiMa. If he would kneel on the floor while serving he would've received perfect marks.
I tried to tell him to help por por get food. KaiMa knew of my angry eye, and said, "Suen La, he chose her to be his gf, he didn't choose me to be his mom."
Anyway, Ah Mui's husband is a real funny man. Although his voice is similar to a male-Cecilia Cheung as he drinks and smokes too much.
I woke at 10am, had breakfast, sat around, had lunch, sat around some more, took a nap, had dinner, and now writing this blog.
I felt this trip not only gives me an opportunity to be with my KaiMa, it also provides me a week of much needed break. I've been going all out since May2006. Moved from Van-->Cal, started new job, adapted to new life at new city, finished my certificate in 2 semesters, moved...I longed for a week of doing nothing. Now I have it. Planned or not.
This afternoon, while looking out the window, I felt peace. The weather was perfect, the humidity was perfect, the pollen level was perfect. I haven't done any sightseeing this time around in NY, and I don't need to.
For dinner, the whole family (minus uncle, who was at work) went to this Chinese restaurant. Since there were 2 white girls, we sort of ordered "gwai lo food". Sweet and sour pork, friend chicken, and the sorts. Still S1W didn't eat any, and she ordered a fried rice all for herself.
However, the only thing that got onto my nerves was Son#2. Again! During the entire dinner, he served, served, his girlfriend while completely neglected por por and KaiMa. If he would kneel on the floor while serving he would've received perfect marks.
I tried to tell him to help por por get food. KaiMa knew of my angry eye, and said, "Suen La, he chose her to be his gf, he didn't choose me to be his mom."
Anyway, Ah Mui's husband is a real funny man. Although his voice is similar to a male-Cecilia Cheung as he drinks and smokes too much.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
NY Day 4: I know
This morning, KaiMai felt good, which was rare.
For the past few days, she has always been sleepy. The medication, the cancer, the pain, the poor appetite don't energize you like a Red Bull does. I've asked her many times if she wants me to push her outside, to a park, to get some fresh air. Every time she said no.
Today, she agreed.
As we strolled around the neighbourhood, we didn't talk much. I sensed there was something missing. She met some friends on the street, they stopped and chatted. You can tell KaiMa is a good person the way her friends treat her. We visited every grocery store because she wanted to get some "club cheese". We didn't find any. She was disappointed as if the only remaining wish in her is to find club cheese. I asked her if she craved this cheese that I've not heard of, she replied, "no, I hate cheese. But my grandson does."
Then KaiMa called Son#2 and asked of his whereabouts. (She does it constantly, calling her sons many times a day just to hear their voices.) She then asked him to drive her to buy a new fan, the tower style that's so popular these days. As we entered the store, we saw at least 10 tower fans. Son#2 immediately disappeared to check out the iPods with the Irish Boober. I asked KaiMa which fan she liked the most. She told me to grab Son#2 to choose one for her.
I waited outside. (I saw this flyer, this store is selling the Sharp Aquos 37" 1080i for $1000 US. The cheapest I've seen in Canada is $1400 Cdn at Costco. OH man, if only I could bring a TV onto a plane. And economists are saying the Cdn dollar will be on par with the US dollar by 2009!)
As I was waiting, I saw this couple on the street. They were checking out air conditioners. I saw from her eyes and she loved to be with him. I saw from his body language that he wished she was the real love. The real love that lives in his heart. The real love that is not the one holding his arm.
Then I saw myself.
No matter how hard I try, I'm not the person KaiMa needs the most. It's her sons. Her 2 precious sons who haven't spent much time and energy with her.
I know.
For the past few days, she has always been sleepy. The medication, the cancer, the pain, the poor appetite don't energize you like a Red Bull does. I've asked her many times if she wants me to push her outside, to a park, to get some fresh air. Every time she said no.
Today, she agreed.
As we strolled around the neighbourhood, we didn't talk much. I sensed there was something missing. She met some friends on the street, they stopped and chatted. You can tell KaiMa is a good person the way her friends treat her. We visited every grocery store because she wanted to get some "club cheese". We didn't find any. She was disappointed as if the only remaining wish in her is to find club cheese. I asked her if she craved this cheese that I've not heard of, she replied, "no, I hate cheese. But my grandson does."
Then KaiMa called Son#2 and asked of his whereabouts. (She does it constantly, calling her sons many times a day just to hear their voices.) She then asked him to drive her to buy a new fan, the tower style that's so popular these days. As we entered the store, we saw at least 10 tower fans. Son#2 immediately disappeared to check out the iPods with the Irish Boober. I asked KaiMa which fan she liked the most. She told me to grab Son#2 to choose one for her.
I waited outside. (I saw this flyer, this store is selling the Sharp Aquos 37" 1080i for $1000 US. The cheapest I've seen in Canada is $1400 Cdn at Costco. OH man, if only I could bring a TV onto a plane. And economists are saying the Cdn dollar will be on par with the US dollar by 2009!)
As I was waiting, I saw this couple on the street. They were checking out air conditioners. I saw from her eyes and she loved to be with him. I saw from his body language that he wished she was the real love. The real love that lives in his heart. The real love that is not the one holding his arm.
Then I saw myself.
No matter how hard I try, I'm not the person KaiMa needs the most. It's her sons. Her 2 precious sons who haven't spent much time and energy with her.
I know.
Monday, May 28, 2007
NY Day 3: 2 Become 1
Before I arrived, I thought KaiMa's family had already knew of her situation. Today, I found out that they didn't. They haven't asked the doctor many (or any) questions, and unfortunately, the doctor never told them anything important.
All they know is her cancer is at phase 4. It is terminal. It is in her lungs and spine.
When I asked them of her treatment options, they don't know. Expected outcome? Don't know. Treatment length? Don't know. Side effects? Don't know. What they know is they're trying everything. She sees this cancer doctor at the hospital, also sees this Chinese doctor at Chinatown; she takes many pills and pain killers everyday, and drinks bowls of Chinese herbs. They haven't discussed any of this to her doctor in any detailed manner.
I tried to suggest a reasonable way to approach this cancer. I even wrote down a list of questions to ask the doctors. She didn't want to hear. Por por didn't want to hear. Uncle said outright that KaiMa will be cured after the summer's over, so we don't need to waste much energy. So I asked Son#1. Son#1 either didn't understand my questions, or didn't understand why I would ask those questions, so he went his way. I can see that he's trying. But unless you ask the doctor educated and scientific questions, he will never give you a straight answer! Ah I was ready to pull my hair out.
They have been lead to many different paths. Since they're not dedicated to any, none of the treatments have had much success. I told them buying medicine from a newspaper advertisement with anonymous testimonials is not a good decision. I wanted to explain the process of scientific research, peer reviews, medical testing, etc etc. But I could see from all of their eyes that they didn't want any of this.
All they want is revert back to The Matrix.
All they want is continue with what they're doing now. Fighting everyday; yet blindfolded so they somehow do not have to see the reality, and they sort of expect she will be cured in 2 months.
This reminds me of the movie "2 Become 1". After hearing she was diagnose with breast cancer, Miriam didn't want to face it. She decided to flip the coin. "Head means I'll be cured, and Tail means I'll be cured immediately."

In the afternoon, Son#1 invited me to his buddy's pool party. There was no swimming (which was a good thing, cuz all the girls there were u-g-l-y.) But man, the host was rich. I think the house was about 4000 sq ft, made with complete marbles! Floor, all walls, ceiling, sink, all complete marbles. The downside: the house was a bit cold to the touch.
The host's father is a surgeon.
Another reason to go to school.
Well, if you don't have a rich dad and wish to a mansion someday.
I began to think about my purpose in NY.
Am I here to spend one week of family time with KaiMa?
Am I here to share with her the gospel?
Am I here to help them with my school knowledge?
Tell me!
All they know is her cancer is at phase 4. It is terminal. It is in her lungs and spine.
When I asked them of her treatment options, they don't know. Expected outcome? Don't know. Treatment length? Don't know. Side effects? Don't know. What they know is they're trying everything. She sees this cancer doctor at the hospital, also sees this Chinese doctor at Chinatown; she takes many pills and pain killers everyday, and drinks bowls of Chinese herbs. They haven't discussed any of this to her doctor in any detailed manner.
I tried to suggest a reasonable way to approach this cancer. I even wrote down a list of questions to ask the doctors. She didn't want to hear. Por por didn't want to hear. Uncle said outright that KaiMa will be cured after the summer's over, so we don't need to waste much energy. So I asked Son#1. Son#1 either didn't understand my questions, or didn't understand why I would ask those questions, so he went his way. I can see that he's trying. But unless you ask the doctor educated and scientific questions, he will never give you a straight answer! Ah I was ready to pull my hair out.
They have been lead to many different paths. Since they're not dedicated to any, none of the treatments have had much success. I told them buying medicine from a newspaper advertisement with anonymous testimonials is not a good decision. I wanted to explain the process of scientific research, peer reviews, medical testing, etc etc. But I could see from all of their eyes that they didn't want any of this.
All they want is revert back to The Matrix.
All they want is continue with what they're doing now. Fighting everyday; yet blindfolded so they somehow do not have to see the reality, and they sort of expect she will be cured in 2 months.
This reminds me of the movie "2 Become 1". After hearing she was diagnose with breast cancer, Miriam didn't want to face it. She decided to flip the coin. "Head means I'll be cured, and Tail means I'll be cured immediately."

In the afternoon, Son#1 invited me to his buddy's pool party. There was no swimming (which was a good thing, cuz all the girls there were u-g-l-y.) But man, the host was rich. I think the house was about 4000 sq ft, made with complete marbles! Floor, all walls, ceiling, sink, all complete marbles. The downside: the house was a bit cold to the touch.
The host's father is a surgeon.
Another reason to go to school.
Well, if you don't have a rich dad and wish to a mansion someday.
I began to think about my purpose in NY.
Am I here to spend one week of family time with KaiMa?
Am I here to share with her the gospel?
Am I here to help them with my school knowledge?
Tell me!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
NY Day 2: Friends
After shopping, we took a short nap at home, and headed to a BBQ at KaiMa's friend's place.
Her friends love her. They care. I felt it with my eyes, my ears, my heart. Today was the 1st time in my life that I've felt this way. And the love was not for me. My eyes had a little moisture.
The hosts are a young (late 30s) couple. Man was from Vietnam, Woman from HK. They treat KaiMa better than I could ever imagine. They treat her 100x better than I can. Man is called "Gong Suk", Woman "Gong So". Of course.
As stories go, they have no kids. All of Gong Suk's 3 brothers cannot have children. KaiMa and por por kept telling me how unfair the world is for the nicest couple to not be able to have kids. (Speculation is during the Vietnam war, Gong's family fell victim to Agent Orange. Ahh Americans.)
I thought of Elizabeth,
I thought of Abraham,
I thought of talking to KaiMa about God.
Her friends love her. They care. I felt it with my eyes, my ears, my heart. Today was the 1st time in my life that I've felt this way. And the love was not for me. My eyes had a little moisture.
The hosts are a young (late 30s) couple. Man was from Vietnam, Woman from HK. They treat KaiMa better than I could ever imagine. They treat her 100x better than I can. Man is called "Gong Suk", Woman "Gong So". Of course.
As stories go, they have no kids. All of Gong Suk's 3 brothers cannot have children. KaiMa and por por kept telling me how unfair the world is for the nicest couple to not be able to have kids. (Speculation is during the Vietnam war, Gong's family fell victim to Agent Orange. Ahh Americans.)
I thought of Elizabeth,
I thought of Abraham,
I thought of talking to KaiMa about God.
NY Day 2: The Matrix
Having lunch at a Cha-chaang-teng was fun. Food was cheap and delicious, and it was nice for KaiMa to spend some time away from her house. It was nice for her to be normal again.
After lunch, we went shopping. She bought some clothes for little baby, and a pair of stretchy pants for herself. And it struck me.
It wasn't then until I realized how much she has aged. She isn't 25 anymore. No matter how many times I've seen her after she has past age 25, in my mind, she has always been the young woman who took care of me when my head was inappropriately big compared to my body size. Today, pushing her semi-wheelchair, I saw a fragile woman.
A fragile woman who isn't accepting the facts. (Maybe that's a good thing?)
She asked me my impression for Son#1's wife (let's call her S1W). I gave her the obligatory white lie, "Oh she's nice." Then she cut me off as I began my uncontrollable rant. She told me S1W is a good girl, she's from a small town, and she's friendly and caring. (I wanted to interrupt but she cut me off again.) She said the reason why she often neglects her son is because couple years ago, S1W was bitten by some unknown wild animal while back in Arkansas, and now S1W is sort of ill and sometimes cannot take care of a little baby.
I was taken back by her words. As I continued pushing, I looked at the back of her head, and I saw a loving mother who is beautifying her world to make it more acceptable. I wanted to tell her what I saw. I wanted to tell her S1W said more than nth times in front of my face that she is very frustrated at the baby and doesn't want to care anymore.
I wanted to.
But what for?
KaiMa is a very good person. She's fighting. The truth is, phase 4 cancer in your lungs and spine is terminal. The truth is, she will die soon. Chemo, Chinese herbal medicine, radiation, ginseng, whatever whatever will help, but won't cure. The truth is, S1W is not a good mother. The truth is, I wanted to yell and beat up Son#2 today. But She IS fighting and living everyday. The last thing she wants to hear is my opinion.
If ignoring the truth can keep her happy,
She's very delighted to stay inside the Matrix.
After lunch, we went shopping. She bought some clothes for little baby, and a pair of stretchy pants for herself. And it struck me.
It wasn't then until I realized how much she has aged. She isn't 25 anymore. No matter how many times I've seen her after she has past age 25, in my mind, she has always been the young woman who took care of me when my head was inappropriately big compared to my body size. Today, pushing her semi-wheelchair, I saw a fragile woman.
A fragile woman who isn't accepting the facts. (Maybe that's a good thing?)
She asked me my impression for Son#1's wife (let's call her S1W). I gave her the obligatory white lie, "Oh she's nice." Then she cut me off as I began my uncontrollable rant. She told me S1W is a good girl, she's from a small town, and she's friendly and caring. (I wanted to interrupt but she cut me off again.) She said the reason why she often neglects her son is because couple years ago, S1W was bitten by some unknown wild animal while back in Arkansas, and now S1W is sort of ill and sometimes cannot take care of a little baby.
I was taken back by her words. As I continued pushing, I looked at the back of her head, and I saw a loving mother who is beautifying her world to make it more acceptable. I wanted to tell her what I saw. I wanted to tell her S1W said more than nth times in front of my face that she is very frustrated at the baby and doesn't want to care anymore.
I wanted to.
But what for?
KaiMa is a very good person. She's fighting. The truth is, phase 4 cancer in your lungs and spine is terminal. The truth is, she will die soon. Chemo, Chinese herbal medicine, radiation, ginseng, whatever whatever will help, but won't cure. The truth is, S1W is not a good mother. The truth is, I wanted to yell and beat up Son#2 today. But She IS fighting and living everyday. The last thing she wants to hear is my opinion.
If ignoring the truth can keep her happy,
She's very delighted to stay inside the Matrix.
NY Day 1: 1 cup happy, 2 tps bitter, 3 L anger
Thank you Biu Goh (aka Wayne) for giving me a ride to the airport. What friends are for. (Every time I think about this, I am very thankful that everywhere I go, I meet generous ppl.)
When I arrived at the airport, it was empty. I expected the airport at 915am on a Saturday morning to be busier than a completely empty Air Canada line-up. For 3 opened counters (NY, LA, Cancun), I was the only customer. I didn't complain.
Same thing through the customs area. Actually, the entire airport was pretty quiet all the way. I mean, all the way to JFK in NY. I mean, all the way to my Kai Ma's house. Smoother than a pretty girl's skin.
After my arrival though, things got a little bit sour.
They were waiting for me for dinner. The food wasn't great, I guess por-por wasn't in the mood of cooking. Kai-ma husband not in the mood of eating. Son #1 didn't come home (more on him later), Son #2 brought huge boobs gf (more on him now).
Son #2 and his Irish boober gave me a ride home. They stayed for dinner, she even tried the unpronounceable Chinese food. However, they left w/o talking to Kai-Ma. I later learned from por-por that the Irish boober has total control of Son #2. He rarely spends time at home, she doesn't let him. (Time for Chinese wisdom: Dumb man lets woman pull him by his nostrils.)
Son #1 hooked with an Arkansas girl 3 years back. After the hook-up, a baby was born (more about him later). Neither of them did much schooling, both aren't smart. Their lives consist of drinking, clubbing, and dumping their son at KaiMa's place whenever they feel like, which is unamazingly frequent.
Little baby is almost 3 now. Very smart kid. Very cute and lovely. He speaks Chinese very well, and he automatically switches to Eng when he sees white ppl. Even I can't do it that quickly. He's extremely active, and desperate of love. I guess if my parents constantly abandon me, I would be as insecure as he is. Simply put, he must be accompanied at all times.
After the son-abandonment episode at 1045pm, I suggested that I follow Son #1 and catch up. (Actually, the evil part of me wanted to know what happened to Son#1, and wanted to learn about his wife.) The 5 of us (me, Son#1, wife, wife's friend, Son#1's colleague) went to a bar. The four of them aren't talkative, just standing there in the middle of the bar. Aimless drinking, mindless conversations. After 3 hours, we left and went to a diner. Again, stupid dialogues went on and on. I'm pretty good with conversing with strangers, but tonite, I didn't have much to say. At 3am, I arrived home. All thru the 5 hours, I kept saying to myself, "so you chose this over your son? The son who cries real tears every time you close the door on him? You chose this over your son?!?!" Oh his wife is pretty hot, pretty good looking, very foul mouth, pretty dumb, and doesn't smoke.
Needless to say, I was pretty angry. Angry at Son#2, angry at Son#1, angry at my KaiMa for spoiling them, angry at myself being so helpless.
My KaiMa's condition is better than I expected. (In my mind, I thought I would be seeing a dried human body who can barely talk.) She can walk, actually, limp. She can talk. She can think. She can eat (soft food). She is optimistic. She is fighting. She is very happy to see me. On the flip side, she's in constant pain. She can't move her left leg much. The cancer has spread to her lungs and spine. The cancer is stage 4, serious stuff.
I just convinced (or beg) her to leave the house with me. (Her family never takes her out except to the hospital.) I also asked KaiMa husband (expert mechanic) to modify her walker-seater for her so she can sit comfortably when outdoors. In 10 minutes, we'll be heading to a Cha-Chaan-Teng. "We" means (me, KaiMa, KaiMa husband, and por-por. Irish boober directed Son#2 to Bronx, and Son#1 is touring Manhattan with wife and her friend.)
I feel a very bitter happiness.
When I arrived at the airport, it was empty. I expected the airport at 915am on a Saturday morning to be busier than a completely empty Air Canada line-up. For 3 opened counters (NY, LA, Cancun), I was the only customer. I didn't complain.
Same thing through the customs area. Actually, the entire airport was pretty quiet all the way. I mean, all the way to JFK in NY. I mean, all the way to my Kai Ma's house. Smoother than a pretty girl's skin.
After my arrival though, things got a little bit sour.
They were waiting for me for dinner. The food wasn't great, I guess por-por wasn't in the mood of cooking. Kai-ma husband not in the mood of eating. Son #1 didn't come home (more on him later), Son #2 brought huge boobs gf (more on him now).
Son #2 and his Irish boober gave me a ride home. They stayed for dinner, she even tried the unpronounceable Chinese food. However, they left w/o talking to Kai-Ma. I later learned from por-por that the Irish boober has total control of Son #2. He rarely spends time at home, she doesn't let him. (Time for Chinese wisdom: Dumb man lets woman pull him by his nostrils.)
Son #1 hooked with an Arkansas girl 3 years back. After the hook-up, a baby was born (more about him later). Neither of them did much schooling, both aren't smart. Their lives consist of drinking, clubbing, and dumping their son at KaiMa's place whenever they feel like, which is unamazingly frequent.
Little baby is almost 3 now. Very smart kid. Very cute and lovely. He speaks Chinese very well, and he automatically switches to Eng when he sees white ppl. Even I can't do it that quickly. He's extremely active, and desperate of love. I guess if my parents constantly abandon me, I would be as insecure as he is. Simply put, he must be accompanied at all times.
After the son-abandonment episode at 1045pm, I suggested that I follow Son #1 and catch up. (Actually, the evil part of me wanted to know what happened to Son#1, and wanted to learn about his wife.) The 5 of us (me, Son#1, wife, wife's friend, Son#1's colleague) went to a bar. The four of them aren't talkative, just standing there in the middle of the bar. Aimless drinking, mindless conversations. After 3 hours, we left and went to a diner. Again, stupid dialogues went on and on. I'm pretty good with conversing with strangers, but tonite, I didn't have much to say. At 3am, I arrived home. All thru the 5 hours, I kept saying to myself, "so you chose this over your son? The son who cries real tears every time you close the door on him? You chose this over your son?!?!" Oh his wife is pretty hot, pretty good looking, very foul mouth, pretty dumb, and doesn't smoke.
Needless to say, I was pretty angry. Angry at Son#2, angry at Son#1, angry at my KaiMa for spoiling them, angry at myself being so helpless.
My KaiMa's condition is better than I expected. (In my mind, I thought I would be seeing a dried human body who can barely talk.) She can walk, actually, limp. She can talk. She can think. She can eat (soft food). She is optimistic. She is fighting. She is very happy to see me. On the flip side, she's in constant pain. She can't move her left leg much. The cancer has spread to her lungs and spine. The cancer is stage 4, serious stuff.
I just convinced (or beg) her to leave the house with me. (Her family never takes her out except to the hospital.) I also asked KaiMa husband (expert mechanic) to modify her walker-seater for her so she can sit comfortably when outdoors. In 10 minutes, we'll be heading to a Cha-Chaan-Teng. "We" means (me, KaiMa, KaiMa husband, and por-por. Irish boober directed Son#2 to Bronx, and Son#1 is touring Manhattan with wife and her friend.)
I feel a very bitter happiness.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Let's not talk about it
Dad passes the phone immediately to my mom.
Mom ends the phone calls very quickly, right before the topic comes up.
Uncle Chiu keeps saying "It's OK it's OK it's OK" when she's not OK.
I've read many books about Death.
I've watched movies about Death.
I've had friends pass away.
I'm not scared of Death.
Just don't want to see loved ones dying.
Death is romantic. Funerals, b&w pictures, tears, hugs, flowers, stories.
Dying is unbearable. Medicine, pain, time, tremors, money, foul smell, weak.
Just don't want to see loved ones dying.
(I think mom&dad won't fly to NY as planned.)
Just don't want to see loved ones dying.
Mom ends the phone calls very quickly, right before the topic comes up.
Uncle Chiu keeps saying "It's OK it's OK it's OK" when she's not OK.
I've read many books about Death.
I've watched movies about Death.
I've had friends pass away.
I'm not scared of Death.
Just don't want to see loved ones dying.
Death is romantic. Funerals, b&w pictures, tears, hugs, flowers, stories.
Dying is unbearable. Medicine, pain, time, tremors, money, foul smell, weak.
Just don't want to see loved ones dying.
(I think mom&dad won't fly to NY as planned.)
Just don't want to see loved ones dying.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Interview with an incompetent HR clerk
Yesterday was interview day. 2 supervisors, and 1 incompetent HR clerk.
My mind wasn't in the whole competition. I didn't even sign up. Not all that interested in a promotion these days.
I think I did a pretty good job during the 40minute bs session. Well, now that it's over, I'm not one bit happier or looser than yesterday.
What happened yesterday (the interview), or tomorrow (whatever it might be), gets overshadowed by the inevitable. The cloud above, the flipping calendar, the countdown.
Time snails by very slowly when days are dry, I wonder if it can crawl any slower than this; yet
time flies by very quickly when it's "boarding the plane day", I wish I can stop it right now and never have to go to NY and I can watch Spiderman 123 once more.
Oh, going back to the incompetent HR clerk, she was just there to stare and blink. (Maybe I should type this in Chinese instead.)
My mind wasn't in the whole competition. I didn't even sign up. Not all that interested in a promotion these days.
I think I did a pretty good job during the 40minute bs session. Well, now that it's over, I'm not one bit happier or looser than yesterday.
What happened yesterday (the interview), or tomorrow (whatever it might be), gets overshadowed by the inevitable. The cloud above, the flipping calendar, the countdown.
Time snails by very slowly when days are dry, I wonder if it can crawl any slower than this; yet
time flies by very quickly when it's "boarding the plane day", I wish I can stop it right now and never have to go to NY and I can watch Spiderman 123 once more.
Oh, going back to the incompetent HR clerk, she was just there to stare and blink. (Maybe I should type this in Chinese instead.)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Workaholic Overtimilitis
Avoiding, I've been avoiding.
Avoiding time spent alone,
avoiding questions,
avoiding the feeling,
avoiding God,
avoiding facing.
This past week, I've been doing unreasonable amounts of overtime. I stayed till 5, then 6, today I left work at 7. I would've stayed longer if not for the scheduled system shutdown.
There're lots of work to do, my excuse. My team already knows I'll be away next week, they will cover for me. I just wanted work to numb my mind, I guess.
Leaving the office, my mind is so exhausted;
After dinner at home, I'm spent.
No energy to think,
to talk,
to feel.
For the first time in my life, I'm not happy.
Avoiding time spent alone,
avoiding questions,
avoiding the feeling,
avoiding God,
avoiding facing.
This past week, I've been doing unreasonable amounts of overtime. I stayed till 5, then 6, today I left work at 7. I would've stayed longer if not for the scheduled system shutdown.
There're lots of work to do, my excuse. My team already knows I'll be away next week, they will cover for me. I just wanted work to numb my mind, I guess.
Leaving the office, my mind is so exhausted;
After dinner at home, I'm spent.
No energy to think,
to talk,
to feel.
For the first time in my life, I'm not happy.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Am I doing myself service?
I know I'm worried.
But still, I have work to do, I have a car to drive, I have duties to fulfill. I can't just sit and surround myself with an aura of sadness!
But it's weary. It's wearing me down.
I lose focus at work. Seem disinterested. Just dragging along.
But still, I have work to do, I have a car to drive, I have duties to fulfill. I can't just sit and surround myself with an aura of sadness!
But it's weary. It's wearing me down.
I lose focus at work. Seem disinterested. Just dragging along.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Who says you're not going on a shopping trip?
I know my co-workers aren't my friends. (Well, except for Edith, who is very nice to me.)
Maybe it's the nature of the job, or maybe it's just human nature, I find our colleagues are very speculative of each other. When somebody calls in sick, we immediately associate the sickness as a pretentious one, that the person merely wanted a long weekend. When somebody comes in late, it's because he's lazy. When somebody is allergic to bananas or perfume, it's because she's lying to catch attention.
As I shared the horrible news with my teammates and my sup, some "are you ok"s came my way. Today, the attitude morphed into, "so you're getting a week of? so you're flying to NY? how do I know you didn't make the whole story up and this NY thing is just a shopping spree?"
I know my co-workers aren't my friends. I wasn't hurt by their lack of sympathy; rather by our own states of mind that everybody is only out to get his benefits, and nobody is trustworthy.
Maybe it's the nature of the job, or maybe it's just human nature, I find our colleagues are very speculative of each other. When somebody calls in sick, we immediately associate the sickness as a pretentious one, that the person merely wanted a long weekend. When somebody comes in late, it's because he's lazy. When somebody is allergic to bananas or perfume, it's because she's lying to catch attention.
As I shared the horrible news with my teammates and my sup, some "are you ok"s came my way. Today, the attitude morphed into, "so you're getting a week of? so you're flying to NY? how do I know you didn't make the whole story up and this NY thing is just a shopping spree?"
I know my co-workers aren't my friends. I wasn't hurt by their lack of sympathy; rather by our own states of mind that everybody is only out to get his benefits, and nobody is trustworthy.
Friday, May 11, 2007
I never answer my cell phone at work. Today I did. And it brought me horrible news.
My godmother, my dear Kai-Ma, who lives in NY, called me, and calmly told me she was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Emergency surgery was performed in March. A recent follow-up confirmed the cancer has indeed spread to the lungs and bone marrow.
I didn't know what to do or how to react.
I took a long walk along the river. My mind was running blank. At the end of the walk, I entered a salon to have a haircut; later, I had McD for lunch.
I finished the working day. Looking at the monitor, looking at my cell phone, 6 hours after I first heard the news, I wanted to believe that it was a dream. A day-dream. That everything was made up, and everything is now fine and dandy.
I tried to act normal at work, during dinner, during fellowship. Not that I was faking it. I just didn't know what to do. Never have I experienced this. My heart asked, "should I be in sorrow? Or should I be optimistic? should I joke around? or should I weep?"
I'm planning to fly to NY soon.
In the meantime, until I have confirmation of a pessimistic outcome, I have decided to live a normal life. Continue to work, to watch to NBA, to play ball, and to feel the sadness that looms.
My godmother, my dear Kai-Ma, who lives in NY, called me, and calmly told me she was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Emergency surgery was performed in March. A recent follow-up confirmed the cancer has indeed spread to the lungs and bone marrow.
I didn't know what to do or how to react.
I took a long walk along the river. My mind was running blank. At the end of the walk, I entered a salon to have a haircut; later, I had McD for lunch.
I finished the working day. Looking at the monitor, looking at my cell phone, 6 hours after I first heard the news, I wanted to believe that it was a dream. A day-dream. That everything was made up, and everything is now fine and dandy.
I tried to act normal at work, during dinner, during fellowship. Not that I was faking it. I just didn't know what to do. Never have I experienced this. My heart asked, "should I be in sorrow? Or should I be optimistic? should I joke around? or should I weep?"
I'm planning to fly to NY soon.
In the meantime, until I have confirmation of a pessimistic outcome, I have decided to live a normal life. Continue to work, to watch to NBA, to play ball, and to feel the sadness that looms.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Later and later, lately
When I first started my job, summer of 2006, I woke at 615am and arrived at work at around quarter to eight.
Fast forward to Christmas month, and my regular arrival time became 815am.
Just this past week, living in my new home, my current arrival time is around quarter to nine.
I even brought up the idea of "flexible work hours" with my boss during our mid-year performance review session.
he took the offer, shot a joke back at me, and we parted ways.
he didn't promise me anything; he also didn't ban me from doing so.
We both came out satisfied.
Fast forward to Christmas month, and my regular arrival time became 815am.
Just this past week, living in my new home, my current arrival time is around quarter to nine.
I even brought up the idea of "flexible work hours" with my boss during our mid-year performance review session.
he took the offer, shot a joke back at me, and we parted ways.
he didn't promise me anything; he also didn't ban me from doing so.
We both came out satisfied.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
One year anniversaire
If me not mistaken, today is the one year anniversary of my new life in C-town.
I'm not a "what-if" person, but on this issue, I often ask myself.
I ask what if, in 2005, I chose to work for the ergonomic research firm in U of Michigan instead of the Health & Safety job in Toronto. Would I have settled in the States instead (and earn almost double salary)? Well no idea. But I definitely would not have made friends with all my TO buddies, reunited with Jai + Ling + Stephy, or gotten the Calgary job I have now.
Then, upon my graduation in 2005, what if, I accepted the Masters degree offer in HK? Would I have stayed and finished it? Well maybe. In my 2 months vacation, I felt a strong connection with my birthplace, I felt a desire to live with (or close to) my parents. I missed them, I missed my childhood friends. But then, I've never entertained the thought of working in HK.
After I returned to Vancouver in Feb 2006, what if, I caved in to the pressure of finding a job fast, and not stuck to my goal of landing a job in my field? Would I now be working for eBay, PayPal, or HSBC as a bank teller (and make enough to only feed myself once a day)? Very likely. I was so soo sooo close to giving up, albeit it was only after 1 month of job search. But I didn't, because somewhere deep inside, I felt I was destined for something else (or just that I was arrogant as usual).
Then after Calgary made me this nice offer to move to C-town, what if, I didn't accept it? I worked in C-town once before. I liked my friends; but not the city, not the atmosphere, not the environment. If I didn't take that job, I definitely would not be in my new home blogging right now. If I didn't take that job, I would not have left my city and my closies behind. It's tough. But then, if I had stayed, and not found a good job, would I deem myself a failure? Or just like every other ordinary body that's paying $1.30 per litre gas in beautiful Vancouver? Maybe. Or I might just move back to HK then.
Now that I'm here, I ask, when will I study for my M Deg? Will I ever move back to V-City? Or HK? Or be in the same city as my parents?
Or own a Porsche? M3? How about my Audi RS4 wagon? And my gigantic house?
I'm not a "what-if" person, but on this issue, I often ask myself.
I ask what if, in 2005, I chose to work for the ergonomic research firm in U of Michigan instead of the Health & Safety job in Toronto. Would I have settled in the States instead (and earn almost double salary)? Well no idea. But I definitely would not have made friends with all my TO buddies, reunited with Jai + Ling + Stephy, or gotten the Calgary job I have now.
Then, upon my graduation in 2005, what if, I accepted the Masters degree offer in HK? Would I have stayed and finished it? Well maybe. In my 2 months vacation, I felt a strong connection with my birthplace, I felt a desire to live with (or close to) my parents. I missed them, I missed my childhood friends. But then, I've never entertained the thought of working in HK.
After I returned to Vancouver in Feb 2006, what if, I caved in to the pressure of finding a job fast, and not stuck to my goal of landing a job in my field? Would I now be working for eBay, PayPal, or HSBC as a bank teller (and make enough to only feed myself once a day)? Very likely. I was so soo sooo close to giving up, albeit it was only after 1 month of job search. But I didn't, because somewhere deep inside, I felt I was destined for something else (or just that I was arrogant as usual).
Then after Calgary made me this nice offer to move to C-town, what if, I didn't accept it? I worked in C-town once before. I liked my friends; but not the city, not the atmosphere, not the environment. If I didn't take that job, I definitely would not be in my new home blogging right now. If I didn't take that job, I would not have left my city and my closies behind. It's tough. But then, if I had stayed, and not found a good job, would I deem myself a failure? Or just like every other ordinary body that's paying $1.30 per litre gas in beautiful Vancouver? Maybe. Or I might just move back to HK then.
Now that I'm here, I ask, when will I study for my M Deg? Will I ever move back to V-City? Or HK? Or be in the same city as my parents?
Or own a Porsche? M3? How about my Audi RS4 wagon? And my gigantic house?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
What happened after the rant?
Today was our performance-interview-white rat day.
We sang well, we played well, we did well.
My guitar rhythm didn't match with Yee's piano. We played very nicely individually, but our products didn't mesh. I guess we needed a pair of expert ears during our practice. The church's sound system simply wasn't good enough for us to hear all instruments while we were playing. The sad thing is, the audience could.
Anyway, now that the interview (not that it was an interview, since there was no way we wouldn't be in) was over, I learned a lot more about this church's sound system, and how to play with a strong piano player, especially for fast-paced songs. This is the one thing I found most satisfying.
We sang well, we played well, we did well.
My guitar rhythm didn't match with Yee's piano. We played very nicely individually, but our products didn't mesh. I guess we needed a pair of expert ears during our practice. The church's sound system simply wasn't good enough for us to hear all instruments while we were playing. The sad thing is, the audience could.
Anyway, now that the interview (not that it was an interview, since there was no way we wouldn't be in) was over, I learned a lot more about this church's sound system, and how to play with a strong piano player, especially for fast-paced songs. This is the one thing I found most satisfying.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
March 13 Rantness: Unacceptable
1) I asked N to grab me my pair of gloves. 2 pairs were sitting happily on my desk. When she appeard, she brought back one of each pair. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Oh, I couldn't find the correct pair, so here you go, hehe."
2) I asked E if I could borrow some music books, since I need to lead a singspiration very soon. She said, "Yeah, I'll find you when I'm done with this." (She was working on something.) After 30min, she didn't find me. So I went to find her. She has already went to bed and fell asleep.
3) As for the upcoming singspiration, I am partnered with another E. E2 informed me about this arrangement last Thur. Since this week I have night class on Tues and Wed (final exam), I scheduled myself to find the songs on Wed night, that would give me enough time to study and prepare the songs. After work today, E2 called me, and urgently said I must give her the songs tonite, because she'll need to pass the songs to somebody else by Wed afternoon.
So basically, she had the entire week to tell me, but somehow told me by the last second?
I hope she didn't find out about the deadline any earlier that I did, because the E2 i know isn't such irresponsible.
I told her my class ends at 9pm, I'll get home at around 930pm, finish dinner at 10pm, and I'll find my song and call her before 11pm. When I called, I was directed to voice mail. Great.
4) Work is hectic as usual. I can't say I have "too much work". But my team does have about double the workload of the next team. We all earn the same dough, we all get judged by the same standards; unfortunately my team is not getting any relief. What I'm seeing is, ppl from other teams get promoted because they produce high quality of work; while veterans on my team get stuck because they're bombarded with work.
5) Freak accident today while driving. Now my car atenna cannot retract. Great.
6) The Canucks got "gum-ed" by the Wild. Starting the 3rd period, when they played "not to lose" and stopped attacking, I knew the game was over.
7) It started to snow suddenly yesterday. It continued all throughout the night. Whenever there's snow on the road, no matter the situation, the traffic moves to a crawl. Primary reason is a few drivers are too scared to drive faster than 30km/hr. They should be ticketted too.
My belief is, if you can't drive at a normal speed, get off the road! Take the bus!
I know I like N, E, and E2. They're all very nice, and very nice to me.
I also like my job, driving, and the Canucks.
I am just ticked that sometimes they behave that way. That's all.
Another one of my beliefs: to know the person, it's best to see him/her play sports, or gamble with money, or do small chores.
A lot of ppl commented the reason Tiger Wood and MJ are so successful is they never speak their minds. You never know whether Tiger was happy or angry, whether he supports the war or child labour, whether he likes sushi or steak. Never.
I'm getting less popular by the second.
2) I asked E if I could borrow some music books, since I need to lead a singspiration very soon. She said, "Yeah, I'll find you when I'm done with this." (She was working on something.) After 30min, she didn't find me. So I went to find her. She has already went to bed and fell asleep.
3) As for the upcoming singspiration, I am partnered with another E. E2 informed me about this arrangement last Thur. Since this week I have night class on Tues and Wed (final exam), I scheduled myself to find the songs on Wed night, that would give me enough time to study and prepare the songs. After work today, E2 called me, and urgently said I must give her the songs tonite, because she'll need to pass the songs to somebody else by Wed afternoon.
So basically, she had the entire week to tell me, but somehow told me by the last second?
I hope she didn't find out about the deadline any earlier that I did, because the E2 i know isn't such irresponsible.
I told her my class ends at 9pm, I'll get home at around 930pm, finish dinner at 10pm, and I'll find my song and call her before 11pm. When I called, I was directed to voice mail. Great.
4) Work is hectic as usual. I can't say I have "too much work". But my team does have about double the workload of the next team. We all earn the same dough, we all get judged by the same standards; unfortunately my team is not getting any relief. What I'm seeing is, ppl from other teams get promoted because they produce high quality of work; while veterans on my team get stuck because they're bombarded with work.
5) Freak accident today while driving. Now my car atenna cannot retract. Great.
6) The Canucks got "gum-ed" by the Wild. Starting the 3rd period, when they played "not to lose" and stopped attacking, I knew the game was over.
7) It started to snow suddenly yesterday. It continued all throughout the night. Whenever there's snow on the road, no matter the situation, the traffic moves to a crawl. Primary reason is a few drivers are too scared to drive faster than 30km/hr. They should be ticketted too.
My belief is, if you can't drive at a normal speed, get off the road! Take the bus!
I know I like N, E, and E2. They're all very nice, and very nice to me.
I also like my job, driving, and the Canucks.
I am just ticked that sometimes they behave that way. That's all.
Another one of my beliefs: to know the person, it's best to see him/her play sports, or gamble with money, or do small chores.
A lot of ppl commented the reason Tiger Wood and MJ are so successful is they never speak their minds. You never know whether Tiger was happy or angry, whether he supports the war or child labour, whether he likes sushi or steak. Never.
I'm getting less popular by the second.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
在 Youtube 看了整個 903 頒獎禮。除了驚嘆為什麼人人都在 "Thank God" 和 "感謝天父",最正的是四個新唱作人的表演。對了!香港樂壇是須要實力的人!
第二感覺是問為什麼張先生要無端端跳舞?V-朱 說他在扮 J-T。。。
第三感覺是方大同"愛愛愛"中的那句:『你哭起來,我笑起來,都為了 愛愛愛。』原來跟藍亦邦"斷尾"中的那句:『誰人讓我悲,誰人讓我喜,誰人讓我。。。』是一模一樣的。(我想了很久,但想不起那首歌。到後來也是由 V-朱 確定。)希望這是雷同,不是雷頌。
另一事件是方大同"春風吹 Remix"的女聲 intro,越聽越似古巨基數年前唱過的那首"樓下有人"。
第二感覺是問為什麼張先生要無端端跳舞?V-朱 說他在扮 J-T。。。
第三感覺是方大同"愛愛愛"中的那句:『你哭起來,我笑起來,都為了 愛愛愛。』原來跟藍亦邦"斷尾"中的那句:『誰人讓我悲,誰人讓我喜,誰人讓我。。。』是一模一樣的。(我想了很久,但想不起那首歌。到後來也是由 V-朱 確定。)希望這是雷同,不是雷頌。
另一事件是方大同"春風吹 Remix"的女聲 intro,越聽越似古巨基數年前唱過的那首"樓下有人"。
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
而我心中,有個 version 是這樣的。
我第一隻的 cassette 帶,就是愛的根源。到今天,我仍會懂得怎唱每一首歌。
好睇 好睇
好睇 好睇
Happy Times。
而我心中,有個 version 是這樣的。
我第一隻的 cassette 帶,就是愛的根源。到今天,我仍會懂得怎唱每一首歌。
好睇 好睇
好睇 好睇
Happy Times。
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
事源他聽到電台的主持介紹『歡樂今宵』這首歌時,說到『古巨基的歡樂今宵』。爸爸感到,這個世界每一首歌都是屬於作者的。除非歡樂今宵是古巨基作曲 + 作詞,否則他只是演譯者。
當 London Symphony Orchestra 演出 Beethoven Symphony No.4,不論演出多漂亮,這首歌仍是貝先生的。無人會說成 London Symphony Orchestra Symphony No. 4。
事源他聽到電台的主持介紹『歡樂今宵』這首歌時,說到『古巨基的歡樂今宵』。爸爸感到,這個世界每一首歌都是屬於作者的。除非歡樂今宵是古巨基作曲 + 作詞,否則他只是演譯者。
當 London Symphony Orchestra 演出 Beethoven Symphony No.4,不論演出多漂亮,這首歌仍是貝先生的。無人會說成 London Symphony Orchestra Symphony No. 4。
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
我這個衰人,利用了 The Bay 的 price error,只花 $299.99 便得到了喜歡很久的 Canon S3 IS。
在加拿大做生意實在不容易,因為有太多像我的衰人:會 refund,會 price match,會捉緊 price error。
但想想,它們定的價錢其實已把對待衰人的 cost 計算在內。
Price of one camera = Cost of camera + salary + rent + advertising + refund/price error + profit。
他這個衰人,利用了 Calgary 屋價不斷上昇的現況,假扮把屋出讓。等到有 multiple offers 的時候,突然反口說不賣,說等到價再高一點才賣。
在加拿大做生意實在不容易,因為有太多像我的衰人:會 refund,會 price match,會捉緊 price error。
但想想,它們定的價錢其實已把對待衰人的 cost 計算在內。
Price of one camera = Cost of camera + salary + rent + advertising + refund/price error + profit。
他這個衰人,利用了 Calgary 屋價不斷上昇的現況,假扮把屋出讓。等到有 multiple offers 的時候,突然反口說不賣,說等到價再高一點才賣。
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
失掉智慧 VII
我仍吃不到硬的(granola bar),脆的(薯片),軟的(冬菇),和癡牙的(糖)。
我仍吃不到硬的(granola bar),脆的(薯片),軟的(冬菇),和癡牙的(糖)。
Monday, January 08, 2007
Daily Engrish
一向大家都會拿日本人的 Engrish 來作笑話。只要 Google 一下,會提供不少笑話。
華人就沒太多 Engrish 事件。(也不是 Chingrish,因為這是文化問題,跟文族發音無關。)眼見最嚴重的發音問題,是 Free-Sree。
廣東人(香港人)會光明正大的打出 wif (I went there wif Mary.),講出 free (Can you give me free burgers?)。
國語人就會講 wis 和 sree。
印度人就講 wit 和 tree。
其實我都花了幾年才能明白 f = ph,但 th 就兩個都不是。

華人就沒太多 Engrish 事件。(也不是 Chingrish,因為這是文化問題,跟文族發音無關。)眼見最嚴重的發音問題,是 Free-Sree。
廣東人(香港人)會光明正大的打出 wif (I went there wif Mary.),講出 free (Can you give me free burgers?)。
國語人就會講 wis 和 sree。
印度人就講 wit 和 tree。
其實我都花了幾年才能明白 f = ph,但 th 就兩個都不是。

失掉智慧 IV
My senses are coming back to me now. I can use my tongue to mush food against the top of my hard palate. Means now I can "eat" soft carrots, yams, tofu, and ice-cream.
Since I'm getting more sensible and I got tons of time on my side, I've done lots of thinking.
1) 原來吞口水是這麼困難的。
2) 原來肚餓的感覺是這樣辛苦的。
3) 原來電視廣告是充滿美食的。
4) 原來人是會在捱餓時夢見 McD 薯條的。
5) 我屋主實在對我太好了。
Out of everything, it's hunger that strikes me the most.
Is it a coincidence that prior to my oral surgery I've finished Angela's Ashes and The Pianist?
I never paid hunger/famine any thoughts. "OK you were hungry, but you didn't die, right? OK you're hungry, but I can't do anything. OK you're hungry, like millions of others, I can't save everybody."
But now, I'm suffering. I can feel it. Every second my body tells me I need to eat. I need proteins, vegetables, carbs, I need to survive. I can smell real food. I can't eat any. My stomach growls loud. At this moment, I would give anything to have a full meal.
What does this experience mean to me? Why now?
What should I do next?

(Who asked you to remind me? Smart ass.)
Since I'm getting more sensible and I got tons of time on my side, I've done lots of thinking.
1) 原來吞口水是這麼困難的。
2) 原來肚餓的感覺是這樣辛苦的。
3) 原來電視廣告是充滿美食的。
4) 原來人是會在捱餓時夢見 McD 薯條的。
5) 我屋主實在對我太好了。
Out of everything, it's hunger that strikes me the most.
Is it a coincidence that prior to my oral surgery I've finished Angela's Ashes and The Pianist?
I never paid hunger/famine any thoughts. "OK you were hungry, but you didn't die, right? OK you're hungry, but I can't do anything. OK you're hungry, like millions of others, I can't save everybody."
But now, I'm suffering. I can feel it. Every second my body tells me I need to eat. I need proteins, vegetables, carbs, I need to survive. I can smell real food. I can't eat any. My stomach growls loud. At this moment, I would give anything to have a full meal.
What does this experience mean to me? Why now?
What should I do next?

(Who asked you to remind me? Smart ass.)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
失掉智慧 III
Today is Day III.
As I'm getting hungrier by the hour, I'm also getting more agitated by the minute.
Since I can only drink liquids and drink (not eat) 粥, I feel very hungry.
Since I am hungry, my brain doesn't work well.
Since my brain doesn't function, there's nothing I can do.
Since I can't do anything, I feel bored and stupid.
99% of my body is well, but I can't do anything.
All day, I sit around staring at the TV, or watch DVDs, or sleep.
As I'm getting hungrier by the hour, I'm also getting more agitated by the minute.
Since I can only drink liquids and drink (not eat) 粥, I feel very hungry.
Since I am hungry, my brain doesn't work well.
Since my brain doesn't function, there's nothing I can do.
Since I can't do anything, I feel bored and stupid.
99% of my body is well, but I can't do anything.
All day, I sit around staring at the TV, or watch DVDs, or sleep.
Friday, January 05, 2007
失掉智慧 II
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Have always bragged about the fact of the existence of my full set of wisdom teeth.
Brag no more.
My dentist determined my lower one was causing an infection, and all four teeth are pushing forward, thus pushing my front teeth outward. Unnoticeable now, but in 20 years I'll be an old 西瓜刨.
So, all four teeth are shattered and taken out today.
1st: Tylenol 3
2nd: 8-10 small, localized anesthetic shots
3rd: A lot of drilling, cutting, pulling, and more drilling
4th: On the way home, entire face from the eyes down was numb. Non-stop 流口水. Of course, there was lots of blood seeping through.
5th: Can't move mouth = can't swallow saliva, can't drink, can't talk, stupid.
Today is only the first day; the worst has yet to come.
I thank God for the smooth procedure, the non-existent swelling, the very minor pain issue, my landlady who prepared tasty 粥 specially for me, Elaine for driving me around, just everything.
Looking back, what was there to brag about?
Just stupid.
Brag no more.
My dentist determined my lower one was causing an infection, and all four teeth are pushing forward, thus pushing my front teeth outward. Unnoticeable now, but in 20 years I'll be an old 西瓜刨.
So, all four teeth are shattered and taken out today.
1st: Tylenol 3
2nd: 8-10 small, localized anesthetic shots
3rd: A lot of drilling, cutting, pulling, and more drilling
4th: On the way home, entire face from the eyes down was numb. Non-stop 流口水. Of course, there was lots of blood seeping through.
5th: Can't move mouth = can't swallow saliva, can't drink, can't talk, stupid.
Today is only the first day; the worst has yet to come.
I thank God for the smooth procedure, the non-existent swelling, the very minor pain issue, my landlady who prepared tasty 粥 specially for me, Elaine for driving me around, just everything.
Looking back, what was there to brag about?
Just stupid.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
錢雖少 有溫柔
錢雖少 有溫柔
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